The general terms and conditions (GTC) apply to all business transactions between "marinate your vibes - Holistic Coaching" and my clientele. They apply for the duration of the business relationship.
With the assignment, these terms and conditions are deemed to have been accepted. Deviations from these terms and conditions must be agreed in advance in writing.
Client's obligation to cooperate (client)
The coaching is based on cooperation and mutual trust. I would like to point out that "coaching" is a free, active and responsible process and that certain successes cannot be guaranteed. As a coach, I am at the client's side as a process facilitator and process supporter in decisions and changes. The change work is done by the client. The client should therefore be ready and open to deal with himself and his / her situation.
Scope of the order and conditions
The conditions are listed on the "Holistic Coaching" page under "Coaching Possibilities".
Individual coaching is possible in cash, by bank transfer or by Twint. All prices for my services are in Swiss Francs (excluding VAT).
Cancellation conditions / cancellation costs
Coaching sessions:
The agreed meeting can be canceled free of charge up to 24 hours before the appointment, after which I will charge half of the agreed fee.
I undertake to keep all company, business and private matters of the client known within the scope of the activity, even after the termination of the contract, indefinitely confidential towards third parties.
"Marinate your vibes" is subject to confidentiality. However, I reserve the right to lift my duty of confidentiality if there is a risk of injury to myself or to third parties. In this case, I will turn to a professional.
Our activity is a pure service activity. Success can neither be guaranteed nor owed. Any liability is excluded. All participants are insured personally or through their employer. The dispatch or the electronic transmission of any data takes place at the risk of the client.
Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is Lucerne. Swiss law applies.
Final provision
Should individual provisions of the contract with the client, including these general terms and conditions, be or become ineffective in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The wholly or partially ineffective regulation is to be replaced by a regulation whose economic success comes as close as possible to that of the ineffective one.